Simen Moen
Somewhat educated advertising student

The brief instructed to make a phone or tablet application for any chosen brand. Prisjegeren (The Price Hunter) is a fictional app for local Bergen newspaper Bergens Tidende, a paper with increasing focus on food and diet.


The concept is simply gathering information from grocery stores and take away businesses in the local area about what kind of food is available and to what price, and presenting the information to the consumers in a simple way. This makes a hungry consumer (In particular the target audience - the students) able to get cheap meals according to his or her needs.


Even though this is a fictional project, we sent it in as a suggestion to BT, who awarded the app with their annual advertising award BT-prisen (The BT Awards) as "Best newcomer". It was also nominated for Best student work in Communication Den Gyldne hane (The biggest advertising contest in Bergen).

app - index
app - "Meat"
app - product is produced and owned by Simen Moen (2013). No copyright,

 but if you steal my stuff, you're a douche, and I hope your hard drive crashes and you've forgotten to take backup.