Simen Moen Somewhat educated advertising student

This is a fictional project done for the Norwegian cheese distributor Synnøve Finden. The assignment was to promote the Norwegian product Gudbrandsdalsost - a brown cheese - to a British audience.


We took inspiration from the true story of the giant tortoise of the Galapagos Islands, which didn't get its scientific name in the first 300 years after its discovery, the reason for this being it was so delicious it would always be eaten before arriving in Europe for examination. We told a similar story about how every attempt to import the brown cheese to Britain would end in the couriers eating it. This was all done with a cinematic theme, with a movie trailer-like TV commercial, posters and a campaign website.

TV commercial
Poster Poster is produced and owned by Simen Moen (2013). No copyright, but if you steal my stuff, you're a douche, and I hope your hard drive crashes and you've forgotten to take backup.