Simen Moen Somewhat educated advertising student

Hello, you lovely person.

You are currently the lucky visitor of, the website of somewhat educated advertising student Simen Moen. Please, make yourself comfortable. I am afraid I can't offer anything edible or drinkable, as the treacherous mistress technology will not allow me.

What she has allowed me, is to make this text very inconvenient for you to read. As you may have discovered, you have to move your cursor over a paragraph to read it. If you have not yet discovered this, you have missed two paragraphs.

This, however, is not simply to make your time on this website more difficult for you. It is also to make a few points.

Firstly, I would like to express that there are more to my work than what meets the eye. All the delightful little secrets and twists, visual and textual, characterize my work to a large extent.

Enjoy your stay, and discover my secrets.

Secondly, these things amuse me, and I have the softwareic capabilities to make them happen.

Feel free to move your cursor around is produced and owned by Simen Moen (2013). No copyright, but if you steal my stuff, you're a douche, and I hope your hard drive crashes and you've forgotten to take backup.